bob sagat!!

I’m knitting a dishcloth. You know what that means right? Knit dishclothes are only good for two reasons:

1. “Instant gratification” knitting
2. “Deep breath/take a step back” knitting

Today’s dishcloth is being knit for BOTH of the above reasons. Grr. I recently finished my first ever pair of socks. They were easy, so easy to make. I didn’t even give SSS (Second Sock Syndrome; aka a lonely single sock who may never meet its sock soulmate) a chance. Finished the first sock and cast on for #2 immediately. Heck I even made copious notes on how many rounds, repeats, rows, etc I did for sock #1. The result, sock #2 is: One. Half. Inch. Longer. OMGWTFBBQ! Are you kidding me? But it’s true. Somehow, someway, in true Knitting Daisy fashion, I made the heel/gusset rows slightly longer than the first sock.

Enter dishcloth knitting. Although I still absolutely adore my Monkey socks, I am in desperate need of a simple, mindless, and quickly knitted item.

Once I’ve banged out a couple more dishclothes, I think I’ll try me some Froot Loops.