thirty plus one.

Once again I’ve waited too long to post in blog-land. Guess I should have lots to say this time…

I’ve completed another pair of socks, in the previously mentioned Froot Loop pattern. I really like them. So did my Mom. And it is she who wears them :P That’s okay, it keeps me wanting to knit more socks. Unfortunately I must hold and resist the intense urge to cast on for another pair of socks off while I work on a top secret, unbloggable project. I shall reveal this special WIP once it has reached it’s destination. End topic.


Deciding on which socks to cast on for next looks like it will prove to be a challenge. There’s just so many beautiful recipes to choose from! Artichoke, Spring Forward, Falling Leaves, Seduction… I think at this point it’s fairly safe to say that I am addicted to socks. They’re super fun, super quick projects, and the selection of sock yarns available – HUGE!

So what’s been happening since May? Well our local Stitch ‘n Bitch group have been testing out different outdoor patios for our weekly knit nights; that’s been fun. We also got a group of fibre geeks together and took a field trip out to a sheep farm, where we received a tour of the facilities as well as demonstrations on how wool is made – from the sheep to the skein. We even learned how to spin wool using a drop spindle. (Hmm, do I sense another addiction coming on?) Here’s a shot of us fibre geeks at Sheeples:

field trip!!!

And a picture of the wool that came home with me:fine fibresThis past Saturday was World Wide Knit in Public Day (WWKIP). I hope that wherever you live, if you are a knitter, that you did your part by knitting in public. We held our event on a university campus and a good group of knitters, crochetters and spinners showed up with their WIPs and plenty of food to share.

It’s been a while since I tackled my yarn corner, so today I decided to tidy it up a bit. This is what it looked like before I touched it:disaster areabefore...

And this is afterwards:...afterYes that’s right, I basically shoved it all underneath the bench. And attempted to cover it up with a sheet. Works for me!

One more thing before I go… This past week my birthday happened to fall on the same day as the 2nd annual Mayor’s Luncheon for the Arts / Winnipeg Arts Council Awards Show. Our theatre had a table at the luncheon and I was fortunate enough to attend. There were buttons left on each table for us to take home, so I picked out one of each.all about artThey’re totally cute. Bye for now!!!!!!!